Internet is a vital part of our day-to-day actives, however we often take it for granted. This is easy to do given the fact that it can be accessed virtually any where any time we want it. When the Internet fails to work or serve our needs we are immediately reminded just how much we use it and need it. Many of us are left wondering what we do to fix it and how to get it back. Today we are going to talk about different ways to trouble shoot an Internet connection.
There are many things that can disrupt your Internet service. Some of these include
1) Congestion
-This is the most common cause for short Internet outages. The way this works is by a few seconds of the Internet working followed by about thirty seconds of inactivity and inability to work. This cycle continues causing you to think it is fixed only to realize that it is in fact not.
2) Failed link to provider
-These types of outages are much more likely than internal failures due to the fact that things like thunderstorms, wind, power problems, etc can cause this failure.
3) Service provider Internet speed fluctuates
-This one is self-explanatory, the fault lies on the service provider
4) Equipment failure
-Power surges cause routers to fry therefore causing your equipment to fail
5) Operator error
-This can be anything from duplicating IP addresses to plugging your wires into the wrong place
Knowing that it is a very common event and that there are many causes for losing Internet, troubleshooting Internet outage is a process of elimination game. If one doesn’t work, try another in order to determine what is wrong.
*Are you plugged in?
-If you are completely unable to connect to the Internet the problem may lie within the fact that the router is not plugged in. If you check your router and there are no light indicators, check your cables and make sure they are in the right jacks, as well as making sure that the power cord is plugged into the outlet.
*Check your cable connection
-Before deciding that your router needs replaced inspect the connection that is coming into your home. The connection is usually located on the side of your house. Make sure that the cables haven’t become disconnected or chewed through by animals or knocked loose.
*Make sure your firmware is current
-Firmware is permanent software that is programmed into a read-only memory. Most companies provide downloadable firmware updates that can resolve performance issues rather quickly.
*Make sure your PC is healthy
-Check your computer for spyware, malware, and viruses.
*Can you Ping it?
-There are several free Ping utilities available and this is a great way to see if you are able to connect to a network. It can also detect delay between two computers or devices. There are a few different ways to do a Ping test depending on your device, so if this is something you are interested in trying you can run a quick search on the method that works best for your device.
*Check your status
-This might seem obvious to some, but check your router and/or modem. Check your modem to see if the power LED is lit and also check any online or activity LEDs. Sometimes the problem can lie in the fact that you aren’t probably connected at the base.
These are just a handful of options when troubleshooting your Internet connection. If you find that you are still having problems and are unable to connect then it is time to make a call to your service provider. It could be an issue with your equipment or on their end.
Happy surfing!